The Mission of Saint Francis Catholic Primary School is to prepare all members of our community for tomorrow’s world, in partnership with parents, the parish and the wider community.
Our Mission Statement was refreshed on 2024 when we considered the values and virtues that are important to us as a community. Children, parents, governors, staff, parishioners and our founding Franciscan sisters considered this through our work to consult on our mission.
Our new mission statement is:
‘At St Francis we love to learn and we learn to love’.
Inspired by the Gospel of St John, ‘ Love one another as I have loved you’. John 13:34-35
Everything will be based on the teaching of our true head, Jesus Christ. We will strive to allow His Spirit to be the love and guiding force of all our teaching and living, to reflect the Gospel values of love, peace, joy, truth, justice, forgiveness and the unique value and dignity of each individual.
A broad, balanced, relevant school curriculum enables each child to realise their full potential in all areas – spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural and social, equipping each one with the necessary skills for family living, work, leisure and life in the wider community of parish and society.
We will strive to make worship, prayer and liturgy meaningful experiences and through this, contribute to the faith development of everyone in the school community, leading us to respond to God’s love in praise and thanksgiving.
We will encourage devotion to our patron and model, St. Francis of Assisi, encouraging our children to see everyone and everything in creation as our brother and sister and so foster the respect due to all God’s creatures.
We have an exciting mission. We have the power and help of God to fulfil it.