As part of our commitment to developing the whole child, our school provides Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) sessions from EYFS to Year 6. Relationships and Health Education became statutory in all primary schools in the Summer term of 2021, with schools being advised to an adopt an additional age-appropriate Sex Education programme.

The programme selected to be used at St Francis is ‘Life to the Full Plus’ by TenTen. This programme has been written by Catholic scholars and has been developed to address the new statutory requirements outlined by the government as well as being sensitive to the Catholic context.

For further information about the sessions taught and the key decisions the school has made, in consultation with parents, staff and governors alike, regarding matters such as naming genitalia and teaching about the dangers of pornography, please see the additional documentation below.

Parent Access

Parents can access the lesson content their children will be studying in Life to the Full in two ways.

  1. Online Parent Portal | All-Year-Round Access
    This is the normal way that parents can access information about the programme. The Online Parent Portal provides a summary of each lesson, links to specific content and suggestions for further engagement at home.
  2. Full programme access | 3 Week Access
    This is for individual parents requesting full access to the entire programme. We can provide online access to the full programme of resources so parents can engage further in the consultation process.

As part of our subscription to “Life to the Full”, all parents will be able to access the Online Parent Portal with the following login credentials:

Username: st-francis-le13

Password: caring-for-animals

Online Parent Portal

Here are some useful external links for guidance in relation to Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).

Relationships, sex and health education: guides for parents – GOV.UK (

Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education: FAQs – GOV.UK (