The role of a School Governor is a very important and demanding one. The Governing Body of a school has many legal obligations.

In principle the role of the governors is strategic e.g. agreeing on policies and setting terms of reference, whilst the day to day issues are the responsibility of the Head Teacher and senior management.

Foundation governors have the responsibility to ensure that the Catholic ethos of the school is maintained. There are 6 Foundation Governors. In addition, there are two Parent Governors and an Associate Governor.

We presently have a vacancy for two parent Governors and invite you to read the information below if you are interested in this position.

Nomination Form

Governor Confirmation Of Eligibility

Parent Governor Letter (1)

Details of governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months can be found here Saint Francis Catholic Primary School – GOV.UK (

Dr Mary Barber

Chair of Governors and Foundation Governor

School Link: Curriculum

Parent Governor Vacancy

School Link: Curriculum, SEND and inclusion

Mr J Pritchard

Parent Governor

Sr V Taylor

Foundation Governor

School Link: Catholic Life

Nishita Ganatra

Foundation Governor