St Francis Catholic Primary School is in the parish of the Catholic parish of St John the Baptist in Melton Mowbray. Our parish priest is Rev. Monsignor Canon Thomas McGovern.

Address: 2 Burton Road, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1DJ

Tel: 01664 562274

Father Tom’s Private email:

Office telephone: 07572 410115.

Office Email:



who can be contacted on: 01664 562274.

Weekend Mass times are:

St Francis Convent Chapel Saturday 6pm

St John’s Sunday 9am

St Francis Convent Chapel Sunday 10.30am

Please visit our Facebook page

There are 2 places of worship:

St John the Baptist – Thorpe End, Melton Mowbray – LE13 1RB
The church of St. John the Baptist is situated near to the centre of the town. This is the oldest of the three places of worship.

Convent Chapel – Dalby Road, Melton Mowbray, LE13 0BH
The Convent Chapel is on the south side of Melton Mowbray on Dalby Road.

Useful Links:

The Vatican website can be found at:

The Nottingham Diocesan Website is worth a visit at:

Franciscan Sisters Minoress – To learn about the Sisters of our Parish please click on

St Peters History

In recognition of the need to provide additional seating capacity to serve the residential area north of the centre of the town, the Nottingham Diocese approved the building of a new Church on a site in Welby Lane in Melton Mowbray.  The building is a concrete-framed church typical of the 1960s and was designed by architects Thomas and Martin Wilson of Oakham.

The foundation stone was laid in 1962 and the preparation and foundations enthusiastically undertaken by a group of parishioners prior to the main building work with completion in 1964. The organ was transferred from St. John the Baptist to St. Peter’s.

In 2008 major alterations were undertaken due to the need for additional facilities and to develop the life of the community. A new Parish Centre was created and the church was extensively re-ordered while keeping much of its original character, in particular preserving the beautiful and unusual etched glass Stations of the Cross.

The Parish Centre continues was used not only for Parish functions but also by numerous local groups who enjoy the large hall and excellent catering facilities.