Mr J Uttley is the contact for this curriculum area.

Sports Clubs at St Francis
A wide variety of sports clubs are available for the pupils to attend after school at St. Francis. Both school staff and external sports coaches run the clubs.
Clubs that have been running recently include Football, Netball, Tag Rugby, Dance, Dodgeball, Gymnastics, Fitness, Athletics, Multi Skills Club (KS1), Multi Sports Club (KS2), Basketball, Rounders, Cricket and even a Harry Potter themed club.
As a school, we work very closely with the Melton & Belvoir School Sports Partnership and enter numerous competitions and festivals that are held within the local area.
St Francis pupils have also participated in other local events, such as, the Sky Theatre dance competition, which allowed our pupils the opportunity to perform on Melton Theatre’s stage and participated in the Lions Swimarathon, raising over £1000 for local charities.
As a school we are proud to have achieved the Gold Sports Mark Award in 2021/22 in recognition for all the sporting opportunities that the school provides our pupils.